Firefox – Google Protect from Online Phishing Websites

It is not uncommon to see those phishing [Online Fraud] e-mails in your Inbox asking you to reveal your Paypal, Bank or Credit Card details.

Firefox, the best web browser available in the market today backed by Google and it’s innovative software development methodologies has successfully tackled the online Phishing scam.

I had a phishing e-mail in my Inbox and I opened it, [using Firefox browser]; bingo! the browser alerted me that the site I was visiting, was a phishing one. [The alert I got can be seen in the image on your left]

Here is another screen shot of the fraudulent website and Google’s alert for the consumer.

So if you are still using Internet Explorer from Microsoft the company which never bothered to protect its customers, then its time you think again about going online risking your identity theft. BroadbandIndia carried out a research on how Firefox is better than Internet Explorer.

Author: Webmaster