Wi-Fi in Bangalore’s Diamond District

Bangalore’s Diamond District located on Airport Road is a unique place with wireless internet access to 973 apartments. Wi-Fi enabled Hotels and Apartments are the latest buzzwords in Bangalore for Real Estate developers.

Networking Giant, CISCO implemented this project in Diamond District spread on a campus of 14.5 acres. 19 Aironet 1500 serial lwapp and 4 Cisco Aironet 1300 series devices provide high-speed wireless bridge. The residents enjoy free wireless Internet whose back end is powered by Airtel Broadband.

Residents of Diamond District can access the net from swimming pool or clubhouse. On an average 30 people use the network simultaneously with peak hours being from morning 6:00AM through 8:00AM and evening 8:00PM through Midnight. Half of the residents are unaware of the wi-fi internet access and continue to access the web over Ethernet cables 🙂 It will be a year from now for WiMax in Bangalore to be a reality to all its residents with seamless plug and play operation.

Inputs from Business Line, 04/06/07

Author: Webmaster