Comparison of Paymate + mChek payment services

Have you ever tried mobile payment services like Paymate or mChek ? We had an exclusive review of Paymate mobile payment system in India. However, I tried mChek and found it to be more user friendly than Paymate. Here are some differences between the two competing services.

  • Paymate is like using your Phone to pay merchants as a pre-paid card. While with mChek, your Credit Card is tied to your mobile number. [it really scares me sometimes with Poor security Indian companies have]
  • Paymate balance on your phone can be transferred to other phone while you can’t do the same with mChek
  • Authorization is tedious with Paymate because you need to send an SMS within certain time and will also cost you Rs 3 / message. While in mChek, you need to just hit the Reply [message Service Reply Command] and enter your 6-digit Password to authorize the transaction.
  • Paymate is accepted by large number of merchants in India, while mChek is still in nascent stage of adoption.
  • Paymate is currently accepting Net banking + Visa cards while mChek accepts Visa & MasterCard.

If you differ from my views, kindly feel free to paint me in black & white.

Author: Webmaster