Search Query Volume Down in Nov-12 – comScore. Is Web Moving to Mobile ?

Google Search MarketShare Down in Nov-2012According to comScore Data US explicit queries down 5.2% y/y in Nov-12 vs. down 2.5% in October-12. For the market leader Google, explicit search growth decelerated to down 3% y/y from down 1% y/y in October. November is the third month of negative y/y explicit search query data. Of course, comScore Data excludes Google’s Mobile Search Queries. Going by media reports and Data available from SEM consultants in the public domain, it is reasonable to expect 10-15% growth in Google’s Mobile queries as it is the default search engine in Android which has over 70% market share in Mobile OS.

For Yahoo explicit search volume down 24% y/y. November is the tenth consecutive month of negative y/y explicit search query data. Explicit search share was down 10bp m/m at 12.1%. Again Volume of Mobile queries and some based from other Yahoo! sites have not been accounted when compared to Yahoo’s own data.

Microsoft Bing was an exception and reported a 2% increase on a y/y basis. Explicit search share for Bing was up 20bp m/m at 16.2%. The good news for Bing is that few SEM agencies report material revenue-per-search improvement in Q3.

Author: Webmaster